Pro-Wrestling CRIMSON ~ 06/12/07 ~ Power Summit Series

The war between former partners Yujiro Higuchi and Aku Toyota continued tonight in the main event. Serving as a heat up for their match later this tour, the two former partners tore into each other with reckless abandonment. At one point, Toyota punches Higuchi in the face causing blood to SPURT from Higuchi’s nose, apparently smashing it! Not to be forgotten, Tenshin Komatsu and Yuki Nomura also clashed in the main event, heating up their conflict on the 21st. However, the match came down to Higuchi and Toyota, as once again Higuchi proved himself to be able to beat his former partner as he spiked Toyota with a Nodowa-Otoshi for the pinfall victory!

The newly unified sekigun clashed in the semi final as Toshiro Noguchi, Eiichi Aihara and Mikio Tsuruya were able to defeat the team of Izumo Yoritomo, Keiji Hirano and Kazuki Takagi. It was a spirited, friendly match up with all six engaging in back and forth exchanges. However, once again, Takagi proved to be the ultimate weaklink of the match and was again given an instruction on the “meaning of pro-wrestling” by Eiichi Aihara, who cradled Kazuki Takagi for the win.

The final heatup for their C-1 Junior-Heavyweight title clash saw Millennium S.K., and HANZO from the MILLENNIUM STARS take on Hayato Saigo and the newly realigned Akira Tomizaki. The MILLENNIUM STARS isolated Tomizaki for most of the match, but once Hayato Saigo was brought in, he was a house of fire taking it to both SK and HANZO in route to spiking HANZO on his head with a brainbuster suplex for the all important victory heading into the title match!

Another interesting feud was showcased in the third match as Keoni Murata and SLAYER continue to have a feud going on. SLAYER, who feels no pain, and therefore is almost impossible to beat has been constantly attacked by Murata throughout the tour. However, once again, Murata was unable to defeat the monster as SLAYER and Murata negated each other, leaving the match up to Ryoma Inoue and Sojiro Sayuki. Despite Murata’s efforts, Inoue was able to completely overwhelm the young Sojiro in route to beating him effortlessly with the L*D Suplex Hold for the win!

OVERTHROW continued their amazing successes as a team, tonight against Natsuo Sakoda and Ryosei Royama. Sakoda and Royama have shown little to no tag team abilities, which makes their teaming this tour baffling…OVERTHROW were able to use their grounded assault to keep Royama in the ring, in route to Yamada spiking Royama on the back of his head with a straight jacket suplex hold. In the opening match, NGI and Rouzeki-GUN clashed as Makoto Saito took on Takayuki Ariwa. Despite his recent development, Ariwa is far below Saito in experience and skill which was shown in this match from the opening bell as Saito was able to control the entire match. Despite a few scares from Ariwa, including a Canadian Backbreaker Powerslam from the young powerful Amaresu wrestler, Saito was able to pull through inroute to hitting his Silencer finisher for the pinfall victory.

Pro-Wrestling CRIMSON ~ Power Summit Series
Naeba Prince Hotel Event Hall
876 fans

1. Makoto Saito defeated Takayuki Ariwa at 14:33 with the Silencer
2. Naoki Daishi & Akahito Yamada defeated Natsuo Sakoda & Ryosei Royama at 12:19 when Yamada pinned Royama with a Straight Jacket Suplex
3. SLAYER & Ryoma Inoue defeated Keoni Murata & Sojiro Sayuki at 15:12 when Inoue pinned Sayuki with the L*D Suplex Hold
4. Hayato Saigo & Akira Tomizaki defeated Millennium S.K. & HANZO at 14:54 when Saigo pinned HANZO with a Brainbuster Suplex
5. Toshiro Noguchi, Eiichi Aihara & Mikio Trusruya defeated Izumo Yoritomo, Keiji Hirano & Kazuki Takagi at 11:31 when Aihara pinned Takagi with a cobra twist cradle
6. Yuki Nomura, Kenjiro Amagawa & Yujiro Higuchi defeated Goro Iijima, Tenshin Komatsu & Aku Toyota at 17:40 when Higuchi pinned Toyota with a Nodowa-Otoshi