[ATTACK GIRLS!] August Lineups

The lineups for the three ATTACK GIRLS! events to take place this month were announced. ATTACK GIRLS will visit Iwate at the Ohasama Town Country Plaza twice, and head to Miyagi once.

On the 10th, Yuki Nomura's eldest daughter will make her professional debut against the top woman in ATTACK GIRLS, "Devil Queen" Miyabi Fujita! Chihiro has the chance to make a name for herself immediately with a strong showing in front of her family and friends however the "Devil Queen" is out to prove that she is the strongest daughter in ATTACK GIRLS. Yuuko Matsumoto, Sakako Miura, and Haruka Ito will all make their debuts also.

ATTACK GIRLS head to Miyagi six days later. The main event will pit Miyabi Fujita and her fan Haruka Ito against Tomiko Inoue and Yuuko Matsumoto. Matsumoto will have her chance to fight in front of welcome faces in this great chance for her. Below that, Aya Tamura, Minako Suzuki & Aimi Nakamura will team to take on the team of Crusher Hayashi, Satoko Fukazawa & Chihiro Nomura in a thrilling six woman match.

ATTACK GIRLS will return to Iwate for the final event of the month at the Ohasama Town Country Plaza. "Devil Queen" Miyabi Fujita will collide with Tomiko Inoue for the PWC International Women's Championship. Below that, Double FURY of AISUKA and Kaoru Hamaguchi will have the opportunity to make their names felt as they take on the team of Minako Suzuki and Aya Tamura.

8/10/09 @ Ohasama Town Country Plaza (380) (Iwate)

1. MIURA & ITO DOUBLE DEBUT MATCH: Sadako Miura vs. Haruka Ito
2. KURONEKO & Crusher Hayashi vs. Jaguar Dream & Kyoko Saito
3. MATSUMOTO DEBUT MATCH: AISUKA & Kaoru Hamaguchi vs. Yuuko Matsumoto & Aimi Nakamura
4. Tomiko Inoue, Naga Masuno & Kong Ichiwara vs. Minako Suzuki, Aya Tamura & Satoko Fukazawa
5. CHIHIRO NOMURA DEBUT MATCH: "Devil Queen" Miyabi Fujita vs. Chihiro Nomura

8/16/09 @ Onagawa Town Gymnasium (250) (Miyagi)

1. KURONEKO & Jaguar Dream vs. Sadako Miura & Kyoko Saito
2. AISUKA & Kaoru Hamaguchi vs. Kong Ichiwara & Naga Masuno
3. Minako Suzuki, Aya Tamura & Aimi Nakamura vs. Crusher Hayashi, Satoko Fukazawa & Chihiro Nomura
4. "Devil Queen" Miyabi Fujita & Haruka Ito vs. Tomiko Inoue & Yuuko Matsumoto

8/27/09 @ Ohasama Town Country Plaza (380) (Iwate)

1. Chihiro Nomura & Satoko Fukazawa vs. Aimi Nakamura & Jaguar Dream
2. Sadako Miura & Yuuko Matsumoto vs. Haruka Ito & Naga Masuno
3. Kong Ichiwara & KURONEKO vs. Kyoko Saito & Crusher Hayashi
4. AISUKA & Kaoru Hamaguchi vs. Minako Suzuki & Aya Tamura
5. PWC INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP: "Devil Queen" Miyabi Fujita (c) vs. Tomiko Inoue