Name: Ichiyo Tatsuko
Height: 5'8 (173 cm)
Weight: 203lbs (92 kg)
Place of Birth: Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Theme "Tawagoto "
Birthday: 06/09/80
Debut: 04/16/02
Signature Moves:
Assisting Yanki- Rolling inverted Figure Four
Diving Elbow Drop
Crossbody Press
Titles Won:
Tournaments Won:
Ichiyo Tatsuko is a veteran pro-wrestler, making his second stay on the Pro-Wrestling CRIMSON roster. Tatsuko isn't the most talented wrestler in the world, but he's skilled enough to hold his own. Unlike most Junior-Heavyweights, Tatsuko isn't athletically strong, so relies on fundamental wrestling to hold his own. His Assisting Star has went through multiple name transitions, but it is a very effective rolling figure four variant. Beyond that, Tatsuko uses small, but effective moves to win a match. Tatsuko still has a long way to go before he's close to the upper echelon of stars in CRIMSON. After teaming with MILLENNIUM STARS several times, Millennium S.K. finally allowed Tatsuko in the their personal assistant. It's his job to take notes, towel them off, and generally be their doormat. Ichiyo Tatsuko picked a new person to follow, and helped Ryoma Inoue in his mission to disband the MILLENNIUM STARS, eventually finding his way into Yankizoku. His role hasn't changed in the least.
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