Strong Tomizaki

Name: Strong Tomizaki
Height: 5'7 (170 cm)
Weight: 185lbs (79 kg)
Place of Birth: Tono-ku, Iwate
Birthday: 01/23/87
Debut: 01/30/07

As Akira Tomizaki ~ "You're The Best"
As Wet! Wild! and Crazy! Tomizaki ~ "Wipeout"
As El Gran Tomizaki ~ "Sky High"
As MUSASHI Tomizaki ~ "Roar of the Dragon"
As Fernando Tomiandro ~ "Nine Tailed Avenger"
As Big Boy Tomizaki ~ "Mizu no Uta"
As Strong Tomizaki - "Dream Fighter"

Signature Moves:
Choke Sleeper
Jet Stream - Frogsplash
Big Boy Cutter - Diving Cutter
Tawagoto - Samson Clutch
Nirvana RAID Crash - Fireball Bomb

Titles Won:
PWC Jr. Heavyweight Tag Championships (1)
(/w Kazuya Endo) PHOENIX & Keoni Murata (07/27/10) / Current

Tournaments Won:

Akira Tomizaki may have had the most interesting history of all Pro-Wrestling CRIMSON wrestlers. A Ryo Suzuki graduate, Tomizaki petitioned and was accepted to the MILLENNIUM STARS...However, when he couldn't find a character that would be accepted by the group, he was evicted. Tomizaki formed HEROICS with Kazuki Takagi, Ryosei Royama & HANZO that would last almost a year before disbanding. HEROICS was buried when Ryosei Royama transformed himself to Ikuji Royama and brutally beat all his former friends...Tomizaki suffered a serious concussion from Royama's Sliding Shotei and was out of action for two months. He returned a different person, revealed to be the mystery X of Ryoma Inoue & Ikuji Royama's team. Tomizaki explained that while he was in the hospital, the only active CRIMSON wrestler to visit him was Ryoma Inoue, who convinced him to "toughen up", and he gradually began to understand Royama's viewpoint. Tomizaki's looks drastically changed as well, sporting his old school uniform but modified, with his hair bleached blonde and in a pompadore along with around ten pounds of brand new muscle. Tomizaki renamed himself to "Big Boy Tomizaki". Tomizaki had runs as BIG BOY in Yankizoku and later KYOURUI 6 before being ousted for his weakness.

Tomizaki vanished from several shows, before resurfacing as "Strong" Tomizaki aligned with Makoto Saito and Kazuya Endo in their Bloody Gears faction.