Only four men were left in the Power Source Tournament, and they clashed to decide the ultimate winner of the tournament! The two leaders of Rouzeki-GUN clashed in the first semi final match up as Goro Iijima and Tenshin Komatsu battled it out in a high impact, hard hitting contest. The match soon came down to Komatsu's speed and youth against Iijima's trickery and higher experience as Iijima cut off Komatsu at every opportunity. However, the 2005 Finalist refused to be simply brushed aside and rallied, with the fans pulling for the young bad guy. Iijima found himself against a swell of momentum from Komatsu, and could do nothing but fall to Komatsu's Sliding Knee Kick to advance Tenshin Komatsu to the finals for the second tournament in a row! After the match, both men had a shaky moment before they shook each other's hand out of respect and left as a unified unit! In the second semi final, the "Power Revival" of Aku Toyota took on the horribly injured Nobuyori Shimizu, who came out in an even bigger arm brace then he did against Goro Iijima on the 20th. Toyota immediately assaulted Shimizu's arm, attacking it with objects at ringside, even at one point BITING Shimizu's shoulder to cause more pain. The fans willed Shimizu to not give up, and with one arm Shimizu managed to fight back with all his strength only to have Toyota cut him off with a lariat! Toyota tried for another but Shimizu dodged out of the way and dropkicked Toyota out of the ring. Toyota returned but this time with a chair! Makoto Saito distracted the referee as Toyota went to hit Shimizu with the chair, only to have TAKAYUKI ARIWA SPRINT to ringside and steal the chair! Toyota, distracted by Ariwa's bold move was caught behind and dumped on his head with the Tsuyosa German Suplex for the huge victory! With Shimizu's come from behind victory, the finals were set...the two Ryo Suzuki Graduates, and long term rivals would clash in the finals for the Power Source crown. Before the match, Komatsu took the microphone, and said he would crush Shimizu on his own, and told Rouzeki-GUN to leave ringside! On top of that, both men shook hands before the match to a loud reception! However, this sudden friendly attitude by Komatsu was suddenly thrown out of the ring as he viciously attacked his rival from behind with a leaping knee! Komatsu immediately began to go to work on Shimizu's injured arm, blasting it with kicks before applying a sickeningly twisted step over armbar! However, despite the immense pain on Shimizu's face from the hold, he refused to submit to Komatsu! Komatsu released the hold, and ripped off the arm brace that Toyota had already damaged earlier in the night and continued to fight back. Massive chants for Shimizu began to ring from the passionate fans in the Hanamaki Citizen Gymnasium as Shimizu took the vicious pounding without fighting back. At one point, Toshiro Noguchi ran up to Shimizu as he was laying on the ropes, and yelled that he was going to stop the match, only to have Shimizu scream out for him to not stop it! The fans began to get silent as the beating continued from Komatsu for well over ten minutes straight. Blood began to pour from Shimizu's face from Komatsu's knee kicks, and his arm dangling uselessly, but Shimizu kept trying to get to his feet none the less! Shimizu began to show some life finally, as he tried to fight off Komatsu's endless attack, but a simple knee to the eye dropped Shimizu to the mat in a heap, and caused his eye to begin to massively swell. Komatsu attempted the sliding knee kick, but Shimizu somehow rolled out of the way, then absolutely CRUSHED Komatsu with a running elbow to the face! Komatsu collapsed, and Shimizu stood shakily to the crowd's massive response before signaling for the end! Shimizu picked up Komatsu with one arm and set him up for the Thunder Fire Powerbomb! Shimizu picked up Komatsu, but his arm suddenly gave way, sending Komatsu falling gently to the mat and Shimizu also in a heap clutching his arm and screaming in pain! Komatsu reached his feet, saw Shimizu on his knees holding his arm, and then BLASTED Shimizu from behind with a sliding knee kick! Shimizu collapsed in a heap, but Komatsu instead of pinning Shimizu grabbed him and applied the Iron Cross, yanking INCREDIBLY violently on Shimizu's arms! Shimizu came back to life and began to scream in pain as his arms were violently yanked in an un-natural position! However, despite the incredible pain Shimizu REFUSED to submit! After over a minute in the hold, the referee had finally seen enough and stopped the match out of concern for Shimizu's safety! Komatsu immediately let go of the hold and began to celebrate in the ring as medical attention was immediately applied to Shimizu, who continued to scream in pain! For the second tournament in a row, Tenshin Komatsu made the finals, but this year he has won it and has become the 2007 Power Source Tournament Winner!
The conflict between Izumo Yoritomo and C-1 Heavyweight champion Yuki Nomura reached it's climax in the semi final as Yoritomo challenged for the C-1 Heavyweight Championship. The match began with a surprise, as instead of entering with a Rouzeki-GUN representative, Yoritomo was flanked by Keiji Hirano who stayed in his corner throughout the match! The match began quickly with Nomura attempting to use hit and run tactics to wear down the incredibly strong Yoritomo, but Yoritomo eventually caught Nomura and began to use all his power to put alot of pain on Nomura. However, Nomura's prediction from earlier in the month came true as Yoritomo's own power was his own undoing. Yoritomo hit the Izumo Thunder, but instead of going for the pin he opted to go for the Storm Surge off the top rope! Yoritomo came flying off with the bodypress...Only to have Nomura roll out of the way in the last second! Yoritomo crashed to the mat, and got up unsteadily, only to have Nomura suddenly cradle him for the flash three count! After the match, Yoritomo took the microphone and thanked Nomura for the loss, saying that he had "reminded him that there was much he still had to learn", bowed and shook Nomura's hand! Yoritomo then renounced all ties to Rouzeki-GUN, saying that his new path would be a return to his own ways! Nomura offered Yoritomo a spot by his side in the Sekigun, but Yoritomo rejected it and instead announced that he would be forming his OWN group in CRIMSON! Keiji Hirano entered the ring at this point, and Yoritomo announced him as the first official member of the group! Yoritomo said that they would be nameless for now, but when they got they name they would create a trail through CRIMSON befitting their own images!
Third from the top saw Toshiro Noguchi team up with Kenjiro Amagawa to defeat the team of mixed Makoto Saito and Kazuki Takagi. Before the match, Takagi asked Saito to help him get into Rouzeki-GUN, but Saito simply replied that he would decide if he was fitting for entry in this match. Noguchi and Saito resumed their rivalry and had many heated exchanges, but their partners proved to be the deciding factor. Kazuki Takagi was so far below the abilities of everyone else, that Noguchi and Amagawa easily exploited his weakness before Noguchi polished him off with the Thunder Hammer for the win! After the loss, Saito called Takagi "worthless" and that he needed more basic training before he could ever be considered for entry into Rouzeki-GUN...
Millennium S.K. won an important match heading into his title challenge against Hayato Saigo next month, as he and SLAYER defeated the formidable team of Naoki Daishi and Akahito Yamada in the sixth match. Yamada and Daishi showed off natural tag team abilities, but the combined power of the "top two" of MILLENNIUM STARS proved to be far too much for Yamada and Daishi to combat, as S.K. scored the pin over the O.K. alummi Akahito Yamada! In the third match of the night, Akira Tomizaki's newest character was revealed to be MUSASHI Tomizaki! HANZO seemed highly pleased by Tomizaki's selection, and the two struck battle poses before, and during the match...However, despite their similar characters, they were no match for Hayato Saigo and Keoni Murata's combined strengths, and Tomizaki was beaten with a Sheer-Drop Brainbuster Suplex in less then ten minutes. Once again, S.K. told Tomizaki the character wasn't fit for MILLENNIUM STARS. HANZO attempted to vouch for Tomizaki, since he thought their characters made a great team, but S.K. simply told HANZO to shut up! S.K. then EXILED Tomizaki from the MILLENNIUM STARS for his failure to find a character! Tomizaki looked like he was near crying, and then fled the ring as fast as he could while S.K. was bombarded by boos from the crowd!
Natsuo Sakoda's return to CRIMSON was met with high success as he teamed with the young wrestler Sojiro Sayuki in victory over the combination of Ryoma Inoue and Ryosei Royama. Inoue nearly had the match won with his TOMIKO Special I on Sayuki, but Sakoda was able to save his young partner and then turn the tide as he caught the inexperienced Royama with the 0982 for the victory! In the opening match, Keiji Hirano scored another impressive victory as he teamed with the massive Yujiro Higuchi against Eiichi Aihara and Takayuki Ariwa! Hirano showed off great form in the match, before finishing off the inexperienced Ariwa with a picture perfect Moonsault Press for the victory!
Pro-Wrestling CRIMSON
Power Source Finals
Hanamaki Citizen Gymnasium
995 fans
1. Keiji Hirano & Yujiro Higuchi defeated Eiichi Aihara & Takayuki Ariwa at 10:21 when Hirano pinned Ariwa with a moonsault press
2. Natsuo Sakoda & Sojiro Sayuki defeated Ryoma Inoue & Ryosei Royama at 9:42 when Sakoda pinned Royama with the 0982
3. Hayato Saigo & Keoni Murata defeated HANZO & MUSASHI Tomizaki at 9:53 when Saigo pinned Tomizaki with a Sheer-Drop Brainbuster Suplex
4. Power Source Semi Final: Tenshin Komatsu defeated Goro Iijima at 15:39 with a sliding knee kick
5. Power Source Semi Final: Nobuyori Shimizu defeated Aku Toyota at 13:54 with the Tsuyosa German Suplex
6. Millennium S.K., & SLAYER defeated Naoki Daishi & Akahito Yamada at 14:32 when S.K. pinned Yamada with the Millennium Driver
7. Toshiro Noguchi & Kenjiro Amagawa defeated Makoto Saito & Kazuki Takagi at 11:17 when Noguchi pinned Takagi with the Thunder Hammer
8. C-1 Heavyweight Championship: Yuki Nomura (c) defeated Izumo Yoritomo at 12:50 with a inside cradle [V.2]
9. Power Source Finals: Tenshin Komatsu defeated Nobuyori Shimizu at 19:22 with the Iron Cross
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