One of the hottest young junior tag teams in all of professional wrestling have signed to join forces with Millennium S.K.'s new brand of "revolution", as former Nansei Nihon Professional Wrestling wrestlers HOT LIMIT, Wataru Yamada and Keisuke Rongai join the fray! Much like the previously announced ShinoMura, HOT LIMIT are a linked duo with each man providing the natural contrast to the other. Wataru Yamada is a skilled technical wrestler using suplexes and submission holds. While the "Earnest Heart" of Keisuke Rongai focuses on power to get job done. HOT LIMIT as of late have appeared for Pro-Wrestling FURY in an adversary role. HOT LIMIT have become preoccupied as of late with striking out from a humble base in order to be recognized as the greatest junior tag team in professional wrestling no matter the promotion or location for their invasions. HOT LIMIT's foray into Millennium Productions appears to be yet another step in that direction. Now S.K.'s “revolution” has spread to contain two of the greatest tag teams in professional wrestling...
E-COS announced that there will be one more name reveal before event details are finally revealed. The final few names should appear relatively soon. In words that must send chills down the spine of other promotions, the end of the press release announced that the “revolution virus has infected the entire industry”...
The full announced roster thus far for S.K.'s promotion is below:
Millennium S.K.
Masaaki Yasui
Natsuo Sakoda
Shino Hiriyama
Kazuhiro Okamura
Ichiyo Tatsuko
Wataru Yamada
Keisuke Rongai
E-COS announced that there will be one more name reveal before event details are finally revealed. The final few names should appear relatively soon. In words that must send chills down the spine of other promotions, the end of the press release announced that the “revolution virus has infected the entire industry”...
The full announced roster thus far for S.K.'s promotion is below:
Millennium S.K.
Masaaki Yasui
Natsuo Sakoda
Shino Hiriyama
Kazuhiro Okamura
Ichiyo Tatsuko
Wataru Yamada
Keisuke Rongai
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