Name: "Punk Princess" AISUKA (Ai Sukamoto)
Birthplace: Habikino, Osaka
Birthdate: June 04, 1990
Theme Music: "EMERALD CITY"
Weight: 54kg (119lbs)
Height: 167cm (5'6")
Debut: 4/20/09 (vs. KURONEKO)

Signature Moves:
Punk Rock (Powerful Front Dropkick, sending the opponent flying back into the turnbuckles.)
El Nudo Lagunero (Elaborate arm/leg llave submission taught to her by ATSUKA.)
Love Smack (High leaping face crusher with AISUKA's leg behind the opponent's head.)
Viento Clutch (Elaborate crucifix pinfall.)

Title History:

Tournament History:

Ai Sukamoto became one of the first female trainees to enter the FURY dojo in early 2009, where she studied under FURY star ATSUKA extensively. Upon her formal graduation, she changed her ring name to AISUKA, as both a play on her name, and as a tribute to her teacher, ATSUKA.